This financial procedure applies to the collection of accounts receivable by all departments of Dalton State College. 本程序基于校董会业务程序手册第10节.

I. 应收账款总表

Dalton State College (DSC) will require payment in advance for all services and goods provided by the Institution and thereby avoid the creation of accounts receivable.

A. The Board Policy on Payment of Fees and Enrollment of Students requires (with limited exceptions) that all assessed fees be paid in advance by a student before he or she is considered enrolled for any academic term.

B. It is recognized that accounts receivable may be generated from certain programs and activities, 包括但不限于交通和停车罚款, 图书馆的罚款, 空头支票, 合同, 租用物业(会议室), 等.),以及他人对机构财产造成的损害、损失或责任.

II. 一般收款程序

The Institution shall establish a systematic process and procedures for the collection of accounts receivable from all persons, 包括大学的学生和雇员. The collection procedures and forms are subject to the approval of the Director of Accounting or his or her designee. 署长会, 要求, assume responsibility of the collection of certain Institutional accounts receivable subject to the receipt of appropriate documentation of such obligations.

A. Collection efforts should begin no sooner than thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the obligation.

B. 除非下文另有规定, a minimum of three (3) letters of contact or billing requesting payment should be sent at 30-day intervals once an account becomes delinquent. An account becomes delinquent based on the payment criteria established by the institution for the type of debt involved. 超过30美元的债务.00, the third letter should indicate that the account will be referred to a collection agency if payment is not received with a specified period of time. 以挂号信寄信是可选的. The debtor may also become liable for any additional collection costs for the collection of any amount not paid.

C. When an institution’s established collection efforts for the type of debt have failed to produce payment, 这些帐户被归类为默认帐户. 拖欠的应收账款是30美元.00 or more shall be referred to a collection agency within a reasonable time after the final collection letter is sent if the debtor does not respond. 推荐30美元以下的账户.这些帐户不需要,也不需要额外的收款工作. 见应收帐款核销程序.

D. 员工应收账款(包括学生员工)可能来自, 除此之外, 交通及停车罚款, 图书馆罚款和空头支票. 如果符合第2b条的程序,而债务仍然拖欠, 债务可以从雇员的工资中抵偿. A notice of intent to withhold must be sent to the employee by registered or certified mail or personally delivered. 在收到该通知后的15个日历日内,员工必须对该通知作出回应.

E. Students must pay any past due debts and obligations incurred in prior terms and all known debts and obligations incurred during the current term before being permitted to pre-register for any future terms. A notice stating the specific amount due should be sent to each student prior to completion of registration. DSC不出具成绩报告, 信用证, diplomas or transcripts to any student with an unpaid or delinquent debt or obligation owed to the institution. 此外,一旦破产申请被提交,所有的限制都应该被解除. 所有信件的准确记录, telephone calls and personal contacts with borrowers shall be maintained and all receivables should be aged appropriately.

3. 退回的支票托收

A. If any student tenders payment of fees by a check that is subsequently dishonored by the bank and the check is not redeemed within the specified time period, 该机构可以选择不考虑该学生在该机构注册. 由机构自行决定, 该学生可能被视为入学,并将被评估适用的退回支票费用, 逾期报名费和成绩报告会被拒收, 成绩单和未来的注册特权,直到该被拒绝的支票被赎回.

B. Any person other than a student or employee who tenders a check for payment for goods or services which is subsequently dishonored shall be given the opportunity to redeem the check and pay the amount due in cash or money order within 10 days.

C. A total of three notices shall be sent for any unpaid check with the third notice being the “Final Notice” before the account is referred to an outside collection agency. 请参阅本财务程序第II a-e条中详细的程序. The debtor may also become liable for any additional collection costs for the collection of any amount not paid.

D. A check presented for payment of any goods or services which is subsequently dishonored shall be treated as an accounts receivable.

E. Receipt of two or more 空头支票 from any person may result in that person becoming ineligible to make payments by check thereafter or to have any check cashed by the Institution. 应该保留开空头支票的个人记录.

IV. 收集机构

The collection service should provide for the referral of all types of delinquent accounts and notes from the institution to the designated company only after campus collection efforts have been exhausted. 除非法律或法规另有禁止, any note or contract which may result in accounts receivable to the institution should contain a provision pursuant to which the person will be responsible for the costs of collection and reasonable attorney fees in the event of default. 它还应规定将帐户或说明指定给适当的机构.

V. 破产

Business Services of Dalton State College will designate a university contact for all bankruptcy claims regarding accounts receivables. All bankruptcy claims and debt documentation should be sent to Business Services to be forwarded to the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts. No further action against the debtor should be taken until notice of final discharge is received from the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts.

VI. 诉讼

After all other attempts at collection have failed with general accounts receivables; the institution may authorize litigation of any account providing that the litigation costs do not exceed the amount which can be recovered. 一般来说,托收服务合同将在适当情况下规定诉讼.

7. 催收公司新葡京网址赌城

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址目前与两家催收机构签订了合同. 主要机构是威廉姆斯和福吉,次要机构是RMS. 以下是催收机构的链接.